Zip Code: 121000
Address: Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
No. 46-1 Huanghai Street, Songshan New District
Human basophilic granulocyte Activation Test Kit (Two antibodies)
Human basophilic granulocyte degranulation Test Kit (Two antibodies)
Human allergic reaction sensitized state test kit
Allergic reaction Sensitization Test Kit (IgE, IgG)
Human basophil sensitization test kit
Human basophil degranulation detection kit
Human basophilic granulocyte activation detection kit
Human basophil activation and degranulation detection kit
Human basophil activation and sensitization test kit
Human basophil sensitization and degranulation detection kit
Human basophil Sensitization Test Kit (IgE, IgG)
Human basophilic granulocyte activation, degranulation, allergic reaction sensitization test kit
Human basophil activation, degranulation and sensitization detection kit
Human basophil Activation and Sensitization Test Kit (IgE, IgG)
Human basophilic granulocyte Activation, degranulation, Allergic reaction Sensitization Test kit (IgE, IgG)
Human basophil Activation, Degranulation and Sensitization Test Kit (Highly selective)
Human basophil Activation and Sensitization Test Kit (IgE, IgG) (Highly selective)